These are possible signs and symptoms of issues with compulsive spending, debting, under-earning, and financial vagueness.

Please read this list and make note of those items that apply to you.

  • Uncertainty about the total amount of money you owe
  • High tolerance for low pay
  • Avoiding getting dental or medical care because you can’t afford it
  • Giving away time or working for free
  • Difficulty passing up a “good deal”, or feeling a “boost” when making or planning a purchase
  • Using one credit card to pay another
  • Inadequate savings habits, such as failing to prepare for predictable expenses, for example taxes or retirement
  • Living paycheck-to-paycheck and/or “living on the edge”.
  • Conversations about money cause you unwarranted amounts of shame or embarrassment
  • Excessive volunteering
  • Stashing unopened mail
  • Forgoing basic needs such as health care or car insurance to purchase items that falsely give the impression of abundance
  • Writing checks hoping that the money will appear
  • Fantasizing that someone will take care of you, so you don’t have to take care of yourself.
  • Unsure of your net worth
  • Tending to borrow small items and failing to return them
  • Making unrealistic promises to people you owe or to your creditors
  • Avoiding asking for a raise or neglecting to raise your fees
  • Living in self-imposed deprivation
  • Having less than one month’s savings in the bank
  • Underestimating the worth of your skills or attributes
  • Inordinate fear of checking your bank balance, or rarely if ever doing so
  • Having a “live for today” attitude at the expense of your future self
  • Justifying what you can afford based on feelings such as “I deserve this!”
  • Making rigid promises about spending only to break them in a binge-like way

If one or more of these items apply to you, it could indicate there is a problem now or a potential for problems down the line.